Organization Management, HR Processes
1. The following modules are available in SAP R/3 for a Professional User:a. Advanced Planner and Optimizer.
b. Strategic Enterprise Management (SEM).
c. Information Warehouse (BIW).
d. SAP Net.
e. Business-to-Business Procurement (B2B).
2. A qualification Catalog consists of the following objects:
a. Qualification Types
b. Qualification Groups
c. Qualifications
d. Qualification Subgroups
e. Qualification Subtypes
3. A profile match-up means:
a. Matching of Qualifications of Persons and Requirements of Positions.
b. Matching of Qualifications of Persons and Qualifications of Positions.
c. Matching the profile of an Applicant with the requirements of a Position.
d. Generate Training proposals from a Qualification Deficit.
e. Matching Profiles of one person with another.
4. What is the kind of System architecture SAP R/3 system is using:
a. It uses a 3 Tier Architecture
b. It uses a 2 Tier Architecture
c. It separates the application from Presentation (Front End) and the Database.
d. It combines the Front End and Database in a single Application Server.
e. None of the above
5. When a User accesses a Transaction in the SAP R/3 system:
a. A Query is performed in SQL from the Application level to the database level
b. Transfers data from the Relational Database to the Front End System
c. A data conversion from one consistent state to another stage happens.
d. Data entered in the transaction gets updated in the database
e. None of the above
6. Business Objects are maintained by SAP in:
a. Schema
b. Business Object Repository
e. None of the above
7. A business object in SAP is defined by:
a. Attributes/Characteristics
b. Methods/Application Programs
c. Business Object Repository
8. At the attendee level, in the dynamic attendance menu, you can:
a. Book Attendance
b. Prebook Attendance
c. Replace Attendance
d. Book Attendance Lists
e. None of the above
9. BAPI’s offer:
a. Interface for integrating third party applications/components with SAP R/3
b. Distribute data, master data and transaction data across different systems
c. Interface between a business objects, in a method.
d. Application Link Enabling
e. None of the above
10. What are the different processes involved in an Appraisal?
a. End
b. Prepare
c. Perform
d. Complete
e. Approve
11. The following are the functions performed by a BAPI:
a. Create objects
b. Display attributes of objects
c. Change attributes of objects
d. A BAPI can be assigned to more than one Business Objects
e. None of the above
12. Application Link Enabling is used for:
a. To distribute data, master data and transaction data across different systems
b. Fits to an enterprise structure, where there are central tasks and tasks that are decentralized and technically independent of each other.
c. Supports the implementation and operation of distributed SAP Applications.
d. The data exchange is carried out using IDOCS.
e. None of the above
13. What are the uses for maintaining a Project IMG:
a. Create an IMG for each project
b. Maintain project documentation
c. Maintain project management status
d. Maintain cross project documentation
e. None of the above
14. In Going Live sessions in SAP –
a. Tests whether the system is suitably configured before the Go Live
b. Informs the date of Go Live.
c. Upgrades the newly configured system.
d. It tests whether configuration matches to the client requirements.
e. None of the above.
15. What are the main areas of Compensation Management?
a. Job Pricing
b. Job Evaluations
c. Budgeting
d. Compensation Administration
e. Travel Management
16. In remote consulting: (Only one answer)
a. SAP dials into your system from their desk to analyze and solve any specific problem.
b. SAP Consultants arrive at a client site for a SAP Audit.
c. The Client logs into SAP net to solve a specific problem.
d. Displays the latest news regarding enhancements/improvements on SAP net.
e. None of the above.
17. SAP Customer Relationship Management focuses on –
a. Capturing customer data across the enterprise in a central database.
b. Allow you to forecast, plan and optimize the Sales targets.
c. Analyze customer data and distribute the results to various customer touch points and use this information when dealing with customers.
d. Provide solutions that enable companies to effectively manage customer relationships throughout the entire lifecycle.
e. None of the above.
18. The following are the components available in the Advanced Planning and Optimizer (APO) in SAP.
a. Global ATP (Available to Promise)
b. Business Warehousing
c. Supply Network Planning
d. Transport Optimizer
e. Supply Chain Cock Pit
19. The following Infotypes are used in Compensation Management:
a. Basic Pay
b. Salary Survey Results
c. Planned Compensation
d. Job Evaluation Results
e. Additional Payments
20. SAP Business to Business procurement enable: (Single answer)
a. It enables open, full cycle Inter-Enterprise procurement and covers all procurement processes, from creation of a requisition to payment of the invoice.
b. Matches supply to demand on a truly worldwide scale and gives customers reliable delivery commitments.
c. Create links between the production, procurement, storage, distribution, transportation, sales, and service processes.
d. It creates accurate, dynamic demand forecast for procurement.
e. None of the above
21. Sap Business Warehouse (BW) provides:
a. Powerful Information Analysis.
b. Rich Business Content with different Information Models, reports and extractors.
c. End-to-end data warehousing Solutions.
d. SAP R/3 Logistics
e. Advance Planner and Optimizer
22. The New Dimension products from SAP are:
a. Project Systems (PS)
b. Plant Maintenance (PM)
c. Strategic Enterprise Management (SEM)
d. Business to Business Procurement (B2B)
e. Business Information Warehouse (BIW)
23. is –
a. It is a comprehensive, open, e-business solutions environment comprising of portals, industry specific enterprise applications, Internet applications and services, as well as XML – based technology, all of which combine to enable companies to participate in Internet economy.
b. places the Internet at the center of SAP’s activities.
c. It leverages all the products of SAP, its customer base, partner community and expertise in integrating business processes.
d. enables users to log on to the SAP product portfolios, within an enterprise. The portfolios like FI/CO, MM, SD, PP etc are used within the boundary of an enterprise.
e. places Business Warehouse and Execution System at the center of SAP’s activities.
24. workplace contains links to:
a. Non components
b. components
c. Marketplace
d. Internet Services
e. None of the above
25. The following infotypes must be used for an employee who embarks on a business trip, where Travel Management is implemented:
a. Actions
b. Organizational Assignment
c. Personal Data
d. Travel Privileges
e. Payroll Status
26. Market Place is –
a. A public business portal from SAP
b. The mission is to engineer business collaboration across enterprises via the Internet
c. Anyone who sells or buys can participate in Market Place.
d. It is used for SAP applications alone and for SAP customers.
e. Access to Internet Services is not possible.
27. Organization Management uses the following basic methodologies:
a. It uses Object Oriented Design
b. Work Flow
c. It uses relationships between objects
d. Creates additional characteristics for Objects
28. Object Type ‘K’ corresponds to – (Single Answer):
a. Work Center
b. Plant
c. Cost Center
d. Budgets
e. Qualification Group
29. The following statements are true regarding object types – Jobs and Positions:
a. Positions inherit the tasks and characteristics assigned to Job.
b. Positions can have direct relationships to tasks.
c. Positions and Jobs are specific entities.
d. A job describes a position.
e. None of the above.
30. Inheritance happens in the following scenarios:
a. Organization Units inherits the cost center assignment of their parent organization in the absence of their own assignment.
b. Position inherits tasks that describe them.
c. Organization Units inherits the Tasks assigned to Jobs defined down the line.
d. Positions inherits tasks that are assigned to Jobs, assigned to them.
e. None of the above
31. A position in Organization Management-
a. Can be occupied by more than one person
b. Positions are concrete and are occupied by holders
c. A position cannot be occupied by more than one person
d. Denoted by Object Type ‘P’
e. Denoted by Object Type ‘S’
32. The different Personnel Cost Planning Methods used are:
a. Projected Pay
b. Payroll Results
c. Basic Pay
d. Account Assignment Infotype
e. Additional Payments
33. Relationships in Organization Management are specified by:
a. Relationships are denoted by a three digit Code.
b. Relationships between objects are reciprocal
c. Relationships can also be one sided
d. The direction of relationships are determined by ‘A’ or ‘B’
e. None of the above