Thursday, July 29, 2010


Positions are occupied by persons. They are the individual employee assignments in the organization. When a job is attached to a function or a department it becomes a position. For example, Manager HR, Sales Manager.

Following are the features of the positions:

*Positions are enterprise specific.

*Numbers of positions are based on the same job. For example, Manager HR, Manager Marketing, Manager Finance and so on.

*As a rule each position is occupied by one employee. But it is possible for a position to have more than one employee.

Position inherits a job’s tasks. Additional tasks can also be defined. Positions can be 100% filled, partially filled, or vacant. Single positions can be shared by employees i.e., two employees can hold 60 % and 40% responsibilities. Shared service in an organization can be quoted as an example for 40 and 60% responsibility sharing.

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