Rule Standard Name
1199 STD 1199
AR55 STD Transfer of wage types in case of retroactive accounting
AUP0 STD Determine partial period factors (subrule)
BR15 STD Valuation of time wage types
BR18 STD Processing of averages completion
BR42 STD Personnel calculation rule BR42
BR79 STD Completion of average hours processing
BRPP STD Month partial factors determination (sub-rule)
BRS0 STD Valuation of time wage types
CMOD STD Set various modifiers for payroll
CN20 STD Cumulation of gross amount
CN25 STD Cumulation of gross amount, cost distribution
CNPP STD Determine partial period factors (subrule)
COLO STD Personnel Calculation Rule COLO
COMD STD Personnel Calculation Rule COMD
COOP STD Personnel Calculation Rule COOP
CZ59 STD Personnel Calculation Rule CZ59
CZCM STD Personnel Calculation Rule CZCM
CZDX STD Personnel Calculation Rule CZDX
DCH0 STD Supply Cost Accounting (CO) with number of hours
DPP0 STD Determine partial period factors (subrule)
DPPF STD Determine partial period factors
DW2M STD Place modified LU rate in subsequent time ticket
DW3M STD Place modified LU rate in subsequent time ticket
F013 STD Division of Valuation Bases
F080 STD Transmission of Wage Types Cumulated over Year
FI41 STD Read balances carried forward (differences)
FIA3 STD Calculation of average after cumulation: AMT / NUM
FIAF STD Calculation of average after cumulation: AMT / NUM
FIAZ STD Calculation of average after cumulation: AMT / NUM
FIOB STD Calculation of average OT bonus affter cumulation: AMT / NUM
FIPQ STD Calculate frozen average for past quotas after cumulation: AMT/NUM
FIQZ STD Calculation of average after cumulation: AMT / NUM
FMOD STD HR-F: Détermine payroll modifier
G069 STD Valuate Employer's full pensionable pay
GPP0 STD Determine partial period factors (subrule)
GPP1 STD Determine partial period factors (subrule)
GPPF STD Determining partial period factors
GPPP STD Determine partial period factors (subrule)
GVAL STD Valuate payroll elements using partial period factors
H015 STD Process time management wage types
H030 STD Net summary
HE40 STD Personnel Calculation Rule HE40
HE41 STD Personnel Calculation Rule HE41
HE42 STD Personnel Calculation Rule HE42
HE43 STD Personnel Calculation Rule HE43
HE44 STD Personnel Calculation Rule HE44
HE46 STD Personnel Calculation Rule HE46
HE4A STD Personnel Calculation Rule HE4A
HE4B STD Personnel Calculation Rule HE4B
HH43 STD Personnel Calculation Rule HH43
HHKF STD Storage of payment amount
HR15 STD Valuation of time wage types
HR16 STD Valuation of time wage types
HR40 STD Payment amount before transfer
HR45 STD Import payments/deductions into RT
HRMO STD Employee grouping for payroll accounting
HRPF STD Determine partial period factors
HRVA STD Valuate payroll elements using partial period factors
HVAL STD Evaluate wage type constituents with partial period factors
IE45 STD Import payments/deductions into RT
IN11 STD Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments
IN40 STD Payment amount before transfer
INCZ STD Gross input and storage
L040 STD Net pay before bank transfer
M050 STD Bank transfers - International (Read banking details P0009)
M055 STD External bank transfers - International (read infotype 0011)
M212 STD BWGRL from T510 in different payment (for X012)
MX09 STD Prepare TI for AVERA
N023 STD Gross input and storage NL
N230 STD Personnel Calculation Rule N230
NLON STD Loan accounting
NZ11 STD Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments
P010 STD HR-PT: Determination of valuation bases (Portugal)
P013 STD HR-PT: Division of valuation bases (Portugal)
P018 STD HR-PT: Calculation of average after cumulation: AMT / Month
P020 STD Cumulation of gross amount
P025 STD HR-PT: Cumulation of gross amount, cost distribution (Portugal)
P041 STD Read balances carried forward (differences)
P930 STD HR-PT: Processing actual times (Portugal)
P935 STD HR-PT: Process remuneration information (Portugal)
PCAI STD HR-PT: Cumulate into AIT before factoring (Portugal)
PGMA STD HR-PT: Fill RTE field from variable MAXR (Portugal)
PHVA STD Valuate payroll elements using partial period factors
PL15 STD Personnel Calculation Rule PL15
PL16 STD Personnel Calculation Rule PL16
PL17 STD Personnel Calculation Rule PL17
PL18 STD Personnel Calculation Rule PL18
PL20 STD Personnel Calculation Rule PL20
PL23 STD Personnel Calculation Rule PL23
PL55 STD Personnel Calculation Rule PL55
PL60 STD Personnel Calculation Rule PL60
Q015 STD Valuation of time wage types
Q221 STD Personnel Calculation Rule Q221
QCHK STD QCHK : Checks if in-period pay type is not B
QNA1 STD Personnel Calculation Rule QNA1
QNA2 STD Personnel Calculation Rule QNA2
QNA3 STD Personnel Calculation Rule QNA3
QNA4 STD Personnel Calculation Rule QNA4
QNAM STD Personnel Calculation Rule QNAM
QP10 STD U.S. Public Sector: Initialize all variables
QP12 STD U.S. Public Sector: Init of Calculation for tax distribution
QP14 STD U.S. Public Sector: Benefits Wage types
QP16 STD U.S. Public Sector: Calculation of the percentage
QP18 STD U.S. Public Sector: Calculation of the amount
QP1A STD U.S. Public Sector: Assign Benefits Wage Types
QP1B STD U.S. Public Sector: Set variables
QP20 STD U.S. Public Sector: Check for rounding differences
QP30 STD U.S. Public Sector: Cumulation of net amount
QP50 STD Personnel Calculation Rule QP50
QP60 STD Personnel calculation rule QP50
QPNT STD U.S. Public Sector: transfer tax from rt to it
QPRD STD Personnel Calculation Rule QPRD
QPRT STD Personnel Calculation Rule QPRT
R011 STD Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments
RO42 STD Formation of differences, transfer of non-revisable wage type
ROVA STD Valuate payroll elements using partial period factors
RU20 STD Cumulation of gross amount
RU42 STD Formation of differences, transfer of non-revisable wage type
SI50 STD Bank transfers - International (Read banking details P0009)
SICH STD Supply Cost Accounting (CO) with number of hours
SIVA STD Valuate payroll elements using partial period factors
SK94 STD Formation of differences, transfer of non-revisable wage type
SK95 STD Personnel Calculation Rule SK95
SK96 STD Personnel Calculation Rule SK96
SK97 STD Personnel Calculation Rule SK97
SK98 STD Personnel Calculation Rule SK98
SMOD STD Modifiers for payroll accounting
SPPF STD Determining partial period factors
SVAL STD Valuate payroll elements using partial period factors
THR1 STD Read balances carried forward (differences)
THR2 STD Storage of Gross difference in DT
TRAL STD Personnel Calculation Rule TRAL
TRHT STD Personnel Calculation Rule TRHT
TRP0 STD Personnel Calculation Rule TRP0
TRPF STD Personnel Calculation Rule TRPF
TWTC STD Import relevant wage types to LRT
U006 STD Move tax calculations to results table
U009 STD Delete valuation bases with ALP split
U010 STD Determination of valuation bases - US
U011 STD Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments for US
U012 STD One time payments off-cycle
U013 STD Process old Arrears table
U014 STD Union Dues/Membership Fee Deductions
U015 STD Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments for US
U030 STD U.S. : Cumulation of net amount
U042 STD Creating differences, transfer of non-revisable wage type
U098 STD Recurring Payments/Deductions and Additional Payments
U099 STD Recurring Payments/Deductions and Additional Payments
U111 STD Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments
U112 STD Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments
U911 STD Recurring payments/deductions record selection
UA23 STD Personnel Calculation Rule UA23
UA31 STD Personnel Calculation Rule UA31
UAC0 STD Set switch for Month End Accruals
UACH STD Supply Cost Accounting (CO) with number of hours
UADV STD Transfer advance wage types from LRT to RT
UAI5 STD Group incentive wages
UAL1 STD Import relevant wage types to LRT
UAPI STD Personnel Calculation Rule UAPI
UAPM STD Personnel Calculation Rule UAPM
UAPR STD Personnel Calculation Rule UAPR
UAPT STD Personnel Calculation Rule UAPT
UBSS STD Copies wage types /403 to /B43; /703 to /B73
UBWG STD UI Bonus Wages
UCOD STD Check On-demand regular
UCOP STD Transfer to RT (USA)
UD01 STD Compress Deduction Base amount with no split
UD11 STD Create inflow wagetypes from LRT
UD21 STD Process inflow wagetypes
UD30 STD Append AMT=0 entries from ORT (NUM=1)
UD31 STD Deduction Base amount handling in retrocalc
UD32 STD Store outflow wagetypes into RT
UDPC STD Check deducted amount
UDPT STD Process deduction total and forward balance
UFAE STD Flag as evaluated
UGCC STD Personnel calculation rule UGCC: cumulate garn total in AIT /110
UGCL STD Adjust Net Garnishments from claims
UGDN STD Calculate disposable net amount
UGGR STD Calculate gross amount for garnishments
UGIT STD Delete wage types from input table
UGNG STD Personnel Calculation Rule KGNG
UGRT STD Transfer wage types from results table to input table
UGSC STD Personnel Calculation Rule UGSC
UGSV STD Save wage types for garnishment
ULPC STD Cycle for loop end condition
UM40 STD Net pay before bank transfer
UM4A STD Import previous month's claim
UM50 STD Store Net pay for Non-authorized manual check
UM60 STD Store net pay for non-authorized manual check
UM62 STD Clear claim in repayment NAMC
UMO1 STD US modifiers for payroll accounting
UMOD STD Modifiers for payroll accounting
UMOT STD Modifiers for US taxes calculation
UMS0 STD Union Dues / Membership Fees Deductions
UNAM STD Cost center assignment in manual checks
UNE1 STD Subrule of UNEG for negative YTD check in TCRT
UNEG STD Rule to check for negative year-to-date values in TCRT
UP10 STD Personnel Calculation Rule UP10
UPCK STD QCHK : Checks if in-period pay type is not B
UPN1 STD Personnel Calculation Rule UPN1
UPN2 STD Personnel Calculation Rule UPN2
UPN4 STD Personnel Calculation Rule UPN4
UPNT STD U.S. Public Sector: transfer tax from rt to it
UPRD STD Personnel Calculation Rule UPRD
UPRT STD Personnel Calculation Rule UPRT
UPTX STD Post tax amount to various tax levels
UREM STD Accumulate wage types in /5U5
URRB STD Adjust original balance after recovery of arrears
URRP STD Forwarding balances and deduction totals
URRS STD Forwarding balances and deduction totals
USLF STD Set lock flag
USUI STD Number of weeks; month, quarter and female indicator for SUI
UTAL STD Tips for tip allocation
UTAU STD Tax Level/Authority Split
UTMO STD Payroll accounting modifiers
UTR0 STD ZLIT with Workweek-Split
UTR1 STD Delete unused wage types
UTR5 STD ZLIT with Workweek-Split
UTRR STD Decision: Valuation with Regular Rate?
UUIM STD Unemployment insurance and work center mandatory?
UW14 STD Splitting WPBP and assigning the split to IT
UWH1 STD Determine actual worked hours (basic)
UWH2 STD Determine actual worked hours (non-basic)
UZ99 STD Determine incentive bonus payout
V9V0 STD Valuate Wage types ( round. adjusted) - part 2 from V9VL
V9V1 STD Valuate Wage types ( round. adjusted) - part 3 from V9VL
V9VL STD Valuate Wage types using Partial Period Factors (rounding adjusted)
W020 STD Cumulation of gross amount
W045 STD Import payments/deductions into RT
X006 STD Import relevant wage types to LRT
X009 STD Delete valuation bases with ALP split
X010 STD Determination of valuation bases INTERNATIONAL
X011 STD Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments
X012 STD Calculate valuation bases for alternative payment
X014 STD Process Arrears table from previous period
X015 STD Valuation of time wage types
X016 STD Special processing for the valuation of time wage types
X017 STD Relevancy test for averages
X018 STD Calculation of average after cumulation: AMT / NUM
X019 STD Relevancy test for averages
X020 STD Cumulation of gross amount
X021 STD Continuation of personnel calculation rule X015
X023 STD Gross input and storage
X024 STD Gross Input and Storage
X025 STD Cumulation of gross amount, cost distribution
X030 STD Cumulation of net amount
X035 STD Import and process leave compensation
X040 STD Payment amount before transfer
X041 STD Read balances carried forward (differences)
X042 STD Formation of differences, transfer of non-revisable wage type
X043 STD Storage of new payment amount according to DT
X045 STD Import payments/deductions into RT
X046 STD Check bank transfers (advance payments)
X047 STD Cumulation of payment amount
X048 STD X048 : Set variable BTEX to zero?
X04A STD Import claim from previous period
X050 STD Bank transfers - International (Read banking details P0009)
X055 STD External bank transfers - International (read infotype 0011)
X060 STD Storage of payment amount
X062 STD Weekly shift change compensation for remainder of previous period
X063 STD Weekly shift change compensation for first week in a period
X064 STD Determine whether shift change compensation is to be carried out
X066 STD Shift change compensation
X067 STD Weekly shift change compensation
X068 STD Transfer wage types M302 and M303
X069 STD Shift change compensation
X070 STD Termination if table IT is not empty
X080 STD Updating cumulation wage types INTERNATIONAL
X112 STD Valuation basis for wage types from T528B (alt.payments for X012)
X115 STD Valuation of time wage types
X212 STD Valuation basis from T510 for alternative payment (for X012)
X215 STD Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments
X2PR STD Outsourcing - Moving RT to GRT
X2RT STD Outsourcing - Moving RT to GRT
X312 STD Determine valuation basis for alternative payment (for X012)
X400 STD Note minimum payment of unreduced payments/deductions (/167)
X401 STD Form wage type (/A67)
X402 STD Process outflow wage type (/A67) from LRT
X500 STD X500 - Reverse +/- sign for entries in table RT
X930 STD Remuneration Information Processing
X931 STD Check premium indicator
X932 STD Evaluate extra pay indicator
X933 STD Evaluate pay scale level
X934 STD Determine valuation basis
X935 STD Remuneration Information Processing
X93A STD Transfer amount to IT
X93B STD Transfer wage types to IT
X940 STD Weekly analysis of overtime
X941 STD Initialization of OVWE constants
XAC0 STD Rule XAC0: Switch accruals on/off
XADV STD Transfer advance wage types from LRT to RT
XALP STD Calculate higher valuation basis
XALQ STD Premium and/or bonus on BWGRL (ref. XALP, alt. paymts)
XCH0 STD Supply Cost Accounting (CO) with number of hours
XCM0 STD Monthly lump sums for Cost Accounting
XCOP STD Transfer to RT
XDPI STD Save balances for further processing
XDPM STD Transfer deduction balances and totals
XDPR STD Calculate balance of deductions
XDPT STD Determine deduction totals and transfer balance
XIN1 STD Transfer to RT
XIN2 STD Transfer to RT
XIN3 STD Transfer existing wage types to RT
XIN4 STD Enter payroll type when reading table T558A
XLEA STD Enter number of leave days according to leave type
XLON STD Loan accounting
XLOX STD Loan accounting: Posting to several collective accounts
XLOZ STD Loan accounting: Posting to several collective accounts
XLPC STD Personnel calculation rule for loop end condition
XMOD STD Employee grouping for payroll accounting
XPP0 STD Determine partial period factors (subrule)
XPP1 STD Determine partial period factors (subrule)
XPPD STD Prepaid Deduction Processing: Forward balance (NAMC only)
XPPF STD Determine partial period factors
XPPP STD Determine partial period factors (subrule)
XRRP STD Arrears breakdown with recovery using 'Balances and Totals'
XRRS STD Arrears breakdown using recovery / balance using 'Balance and Total
XSPD STD Final processing (automatic special payments)
XVAL STD Valuate payroll elements using partial period factors
XW0 STD Special valuation bases for incentive wages
XW01 STD Relevancy test for averages
XW02 STD Calculate previous month's average
XW03 STD Difference between master wage and wage group of time ticket
XW09 STD Prepare IT for AVERA
XW1 STD Individual incentive wages
XW10 STD Hourly wage
XW11 STD Determine time to be paid
XW12 STD Valuation and generation of subsequent time ticket
XW13 STD Indicate time-dependent variable elements
XW14 STD Indicate performance-dependent variable element
XW15 STD Hourly wage for group piecework
XW16 STD Raise or cap labor utilization rate
XW17 STD Raising the labor utilization rate
XW19 STD Hourly wage
XW1M STD Place modified LU rate in subsequent time ticket
XW2 STD Individual Incentive Wages
XW3 STD Test employee subgroup for Incentive Wages
XW3A STD Calculate extra piecework earnings and earnings factor
XW3C STD Piecework rate calculation
XW3I STD Import actual time from time ticket
XW4 STD Test employee for incentive wages
XW5 STD Determine time to be paid
XW6 STD Month-end processing (Incentive Wages)
XW8 STD Individual incentive wages
XW9 STD Individual incentive wages
XWC STD Calculate piecework rate
XWCO STD Transfer posting of basic elements of payslip
XWF STD Generate subsequent time ticket
XWM STD Place modified LU rate in subsequent time ticket
XWMT STD Monthly factoring of wage maintenance wage types
XWVG STD Cumulate time ticket value in cumulation wage type
XWVL STD Enter C1 split in wage type MLVL.
XWVZ STD Enter C1 split in wage type MLVZ
1199 STD 1199
AR55 STD Transfer of wage types in case of retroactive accounting
AUP0 STD Determine partial period factors (subrule)
BR15 STD Valuation of time wage types
BR18 STD Processing of averages completion
BR42 STD Personnel calculation rule BR42
BR79 STD Completion of average hours processing
BRPP STD Month partial factors determination (sub-rule)
BRS0 STD Valuation of time wage types
CMOD STD Set various modifiers for payroll
CN20 STD Cumulation of gross amount
CN25 STD Cumulation of gross amount, cost distribution
CNPP STD Determine partial period factors (subrule)
COLO STD Personnel Calculation Rule COLO
COMD STD Personnel Calculation Rule COMD
COOP STD Personnel Calculation Rule COOP
CZ59 STD Personnel Calculation Rule CZ59
CZCM STD Personnel Calculation Rule CZCM
CZDX STD Personnel Calculation Rule CZDX
DCH0 STD Supply Cost Accounting (CO) with number of hours
DPP0 STD Determine partial period factors (subrule)
DPPF STD Determine partial period factors
DW2M STD Place modified LU rate in subsequent time ticket
DW3M STD Place modified LU rate in subsequent time ticket
F013 STD Division of Valuation Bases
F080 STD Transmission of Wage Types Cumulated over Year
FI41 STD Read balances carried forward (differences)
FIA3 STD Calculation of average after cumulation: AMT / NUM
FIAF STD Calculation of average after cumulation: AMT / NUM
FIAZ STD Calculation of average after cumulation: AMT / NUM
FIOB STD Calculation of average OT bonus affter cumulation: AMT / NUM
FIPQ STD Calculate frozen average for past quotas after cumulation: AMT/NUM
FIQZ STD Calculation of average after cumulation: AMT / NUM
FMOD STD HR-F: Détermine payroll modifier
G069 STD Valuate Employer's full pensionable pay
GPP0 STD Determine partial period factors (subrule)
GPP1 STD Determine partial period factors (subrule)
GPPF STD Determining partial period factors
GPPP STD Determine partial period factors (subrule)
GVAL STD Valuate payroll elements using partial period factors
H015 STD Process time management wage types
H030 STD Net summary
HE40 STD Personnel Calculation Rule HE40
HE41 STD Personnel Calculation Rule HE41
HE42 STD Personnel Calculation Rule HE42
HE43 STD Personnel Calculation Rule HE43
HE44 STD Personnel Calculation Rule HE44
HE46 STD Personnel Calculation Rule HE46
HE4A STD Personnel Calculation Rule HE4A
HE4B STD Personnel Calculation Rule HE4B
HH43 STD Personnel Calculation Rule HH43
HHKF STD Storage of payment amount
HR15 STD Valuation of time wage types
HR16 STD Valuation of time wage types
HR40 STD Payment amount before transfer
HR45 STD Import payments/deductions into RT
HRMO STD Employee grouping for payroll accounting
HRPF STD Determine partial period factors
HRVA STD Valuate payroll elements using partial period factors
HVAL STD Evaluate wage type constituents with partial period factors
IE45 STD Import payments/deductions into RT
IN11 STD Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments
IN40 STD Payment amount before transfer
INCZ STD Gross input and storage
L040 STD Net pay before bank transfer
M050 STD Bank transfers - International (Read banking details P0009)
M055 STD External bank transfers - International (read infotype 0011)
M212 STD BWGRL from T510 in different payment (for X012)
MX09 STD Prepare TI for AVERA
N023 STD Gross input and storage NL
N230 STD Personnel Calculation Rule N230
NLON STD Loan accounting
NZ11 STD Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments
P010 STD HR-PT: Determination of valuation bases (Portugal)
P013 STD HR-PT: Division of valuation bases (Portugal)
P018 STD HR-PT: Calculation of average after cumulation: AMT / Month
P020 STD Cumulation of gross amount
P025 STD HR-PT: Cumulation of gross amount, cost distribution (Portugal)
P041 STD Read balances carried forward (differences)
P930 STD HR-PT: Processing actual times (Portugal)
P935 STD HR-PT: Process remuneration information (Portugal)
PCAI STD HR-PT: Cumulate into AIT before factoring (Portugal)
PGMA STD HR-PT: Fill RTE field from variable MAXR (Portugal)
PHVA STD Valuate payroll elements using partial period factors
PL15 STD Personnel Calculation Rule PL15
PL16 STD Personnel Calculation Rule PL16
PL17 STD Personnel Calculation Rule PL17
PL18 STD Personnel Calculation Rule PL18
PL20 STD Personnel Calculation Rule PL20
PL23 STD Personnel Calculation Rule PL23
PL55 STD Personnel Calculation Rule PL55
PL60 STD Personnel Calculation Rule PL60
Q015 STD Valuation of time wage types
Q221 STD Personnel Calculation Rule Q221
QCHK STD QCHK : Checks if in-period pay type is not B
QNA1 STD Personnel Calculation Rule QNA1
QNA2 STD Personnel Calculation Rule QNA2
QNA3 STD Personnel Calculation Rule QNA3
QNA4 STD Personnel Calculation Rule QNA4
QNAM STD Personnel Calculation Rule QNAM
QP10 STD U.S. Public Sector: Initialize all variables
QP12 STD U.S. Public Sector: Init of Calculation for tax distribution
QP14 STD U.S. Public Sector: Benefits Wage types
QP16 STD U.S. Public Sector: Calculation of the percentage
QP18 STD U.S. Public Sector: Calculation of the amount
QP1A STD U.S. Public Sector: Assign Benefits Wage Types
QP1B STD U.S. Public Sector: Set variables
QP20 STD U.S. Public Sector: Check for rounding differences
QP30 STD U.S. Public Sector: Cumulation of net amount
QP50 STD Personnel Calculation Rule QP50
QP60 STD Personnel calculation rule QP50
QPNT STD U.S. Public Sector: transfer tax from rt to it
QPRD STD Personnel Calculation Rule QPRD
QPRT STD Personnel Calculation Rule QPRT
R011 STD Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments
RO42 STD Formation of differences, transfer of non-revisable wage type
ROVA STD Valuate payroll elements using partial period factors
RU20 STD Cumulation of gross amount
RU42 STD Formation of differences, transfer of non-revisable wage type
SI50 STD Bank transfers - International (Read banking details P0009)
SICH STD Supply Cost Accounting (CO) with number of hours
SIVA STD Valuate payroll elements using partial period factors
SK94 STD Formation of differences, transfer of non-revisable wage type
SK95 STD Personnel Calculation Rule SK95
SK96 STD Personnel Calculation Rule SK96
SK97 STD Personnel Calculation Rule SK97
SK98 STD Personnel Calculation Rule SK98
SMOD STD Modifiers for payroll accounting
SPPF STD Determining partial period factors
SVAL STD Valuate payroll elements using partial period factors
THR1 STD Read balances carried forward (differences)
THR2 STD Storage of Gross difference in DT
TRAL STD Personnel Calculation Rule TRAL
TRHT STD Personnel Calculation Rule TRHT
TRP0 STD Personnel Calculation Rule TRP0
TRPF STD Personnel Calculation Rule TRPF
TWTC STD Import relevant wage types to LRT
U006 STD Move tax calculations to results table
U009 STD Delete valuation bases with ALP split
U010 STD Determination of valuation bases - US
U011 STD Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments for US
U012 STD One time payments off-cycle
U013 STD Process old Arrears table
U014 STD Union Dues/Membership Fee Deductions
U015 STD Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments for US
U030 STD U.S. : Cumulation of net amount
U042 STD Creating differences, transfer of non-revisable wage type
U098 STD Recurring Payments/Deductions and Additional Payments
U099 STD Recurring Payments/Deductions and Additional Payments
U111 STD Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments
U112 STD Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments
U911 STD Recurring payments/deductions record selection
UA23 STD Personnel Calculation Rule UA23
UA31 STD Personnel Calculation Rule UA31
UAC0 STD Set switch for Month End Accruals
UACH STD Supply Cost Accounting (CO) with number of hours
UADV STD Transfer advance wage types from LRT to RT
UAI5 STD Group incentive wages
UAL1 STD Import relevant wage types to LRT
UAPI STD Personnel Calculation Rule UAPI
UAPM STD Personnel Calculation Rule UAPM
UAPR STD Personnel Calculation Rule UAPR
UAPT STD Personnel Calculation Rule UAPT
UBSS STD Copies wage types /403 to /B43; /703 to /B73
UBWG STD UI Bonus Wages
UCOD STD Check On-demand regular
UCOP STD Transfer to RT (USA)
UD01 STD Compress Deduction Base amount with no split
UD11 STD Create inflow wagetypes from LRT
UD21 STD Process inflow wagetypes
UD30 STD Append AMT=0 entries from ORT (NUM=1)
UD31 STD Deduction Base amount handling in retrocalc
UD32 STD Store outflow wagetypes into RT
UDPC STD Check deducted amount
UDPT STD Process deduction total and forward balance
UFAE STD Flag as evaluated
UGCC STD Personnel calculation rule UGCC: cumulate garn total in AIT /110
UGCL STD Adjust Net Garnishments from claims
UGDN STD Calculate disposable net amount
UGGR STD Calculate gross amount for garnishments
UGIT STD Delete wage types from input table
UGNG STD Personnel Calculation Rule KGNG
UGRT STD Transfer wage types from results table to input table
UGSC STD Personnel Calculation Rule UGSC
UGSV STD Save wage types for garnishment
ULPC STD Cycle for loop end condition
UM40 STD Net pay before bank transfer
UM4A STD Import previous month's claim
UM50 STD Store Net pay for Non-authorized manual check
UM60 STD Store net pay for non-authorized manual check
UM62 STD Clear claim in repayment NAMC
UMO1 STD US modifiers for payroll accounting
UMOD STD Modifiers for payroll accounting
UMOT STD Modifiers for US taxes calculation
UMS0 STD Union Dues / Membership Fees Deductions
UNAM STD Cost center assignment in manual checks
UNE1 STD Subrule of UNEG for negative YTD check in TCRT
UNEG STD Rule to check for negative year-to-date values in TCRT
UP10 STD Personnel Calculation Rule UP10
UPCK STD QCHK : Checks if in-period pay type is not B
UPN1 STD Personnel Calculation Rule UPN1
UPN2 STD Personnel Calculation Rule UPN2
UPN4 STD Personnel Calculation Rule UPN4
UPNT STD U.S. Public Sector: transfer tax from rt to it
UPRD STD Personnel Calculation Rule UPRD
UPRT STD Personnel Calculation Rule UPRT
UPTX STD Post tax amount to various tax levels
UREM STD Accumulate wage types in /5U5
URRB STD Adjust original balance after recovery of arrears
URRP STD Forwarding balances and deduction totals
URRS STD Forwarding balances and deduction totals
USLF STD Set lock flag
USUI STD Number of weeks; month, quarter and female indicator for SUI
UTAL STD Tips for tip allocation
UTAU STD Tax Level/Authority Split
UTMO STD Payroll accounting modifiers
UTR0 STD ZLIT with Workweek-Split
UTR1 STD Delete unused wage types
UTR5 STD ZLIT with Workweek-Split
UTRR STD Decision: Valuation with Regular Rate?
UUIM STD Unemployment insurance and work center mandatory?
UW14 STD Splitting WPBP and assigning the split to IT
UWH1 STD Determine actual worked hours (basic)
UWH2 STD Determine actual worked hours (non-basic)
UZ99 STD Determine incentive bonus payout
V9V0 STD Valuate Wage types ( round. adjusted) - part 2 from V9VL
V9V1 STD Valuate Wage types ( round. adjusted) - part 3 from V9VL
V9VL STD Valuate Wage types using Partial Period Factors (rounding adjusted)
W020 STD Cumulation of gross amount
W045 STD Import payments/deductions into RT
X006 STD Import relevant wage types to LRT
X009 STD Delete valuation bases with ALP split
X010 STD Determination of valuation bases INTERNATIONAL
X011 STD Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments
X012 STD Calculate valuation bases for alternative payment
X014 STD Process Arrears table from previous period
X015 STD Valuation of time wage types
X016 STD Special processing for the valuation of time wage types
X017 STD Relevancy test for averages
X018 STD Calculation of average after cumulation: AMT / NUM
X019 STD Relevancy test for averages
X020 STD Cumulation of gross amount
X021 STD Continuation of personnel calculation rule X015
X023 STD Gross input and storage
X024 STD Gross Input and Storage
X025 STD Cumulation of gross amount, cost distribution
X030 STD Cumulation of net amount
X035 STD Import and process leave compensation
X040 STD Payment amount before transfer
X041 STD Read balances carried forward (differences)
X042 STD Formation of differences, transfer of non-revisable wage type
X043 STD Storage of new payment amount according to DT
X045 STD Import payments/deductions into RT
X046 STD Check bank transfers (advance payments)
X047 STD Cumulation of payment amount
X048 STD X048 : Set variable BTEX to zero?
X04A STD Import claim from previous period
X050 STD Bank transfers - International (Read banking details P0009)
X055 STD External bank transfers - International (read infotype 0011)
X060 STD Storage of payment amount
X062 STD Weekly shift change compensation for remainder of previous period
X063 STD Weekly shift change compensation for first week in a period
X064 STD Determine whether shift change compensation is to be carried out
X066 STD Shift change compensation
X067 STD Weekly shift change compensation
X068 STD Transfer wage types M302 and M303
X069 STD Shift change compensation
X070 STD Termination if table IT is not empty
X080 STD Updating cumulation wage types INTERNATIONAL
X112 STD Valuation basis for wage types from T528B (alt.payments for X012)
X115 STD Valuation of time wage types
X212 STD Valuation basis from T510 for alternative payment (for X012)
X215 STD Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments
X2PR STD Outsourcing - Moving RT to GRT
X2RT STD Outsourcing - Moving RT to GRT
X312 STD Determine valuation basis for alternative payment (for X012)
X400 STD Note minimum payment of unreduced payments/deductions (/167)
X401 STD Form wage type (/A67)
X402 STD Process outflow wage type (/A67) from LRT
X500 STD X500 - Reverse +/- sign for entries in table RT
X930 STD Remuneration Information Processing
X931 STD Check premium indicator
X932 STD Evaluate extra pay indicator
X933 STD Evaluate pay scale level
X934 STD Determine valuation basis
X935 STD Remuneration Information Processing
X93A STD Transfer amount to IT
X93B STD Transfer wage types to IT
X940 STD Weekly analysis of overtime
X941 STD Initialization of OVWE constants
XAC0 STD Rule XAC0: Switch accruals on/off
XADV STD Transfer advance wage types from LRT to RT
XALP STD Calculate higher valuation basis
XALQ STD Premium and/or bonus on BWGRL (ref. XALP, alt. paymts)
XCH0 STD Supply Cost Accounting (CO) with number of hours
XCM0 STD Monthly lump sums for Cost Accounting
XCOP STD Transfer to RT
XDPI STD Save balances for further processing
XDPM STD Transfer deduction balances and totals
XDPR STD Calculate balance of deductions
XDPT STD Determine deduction totals and transfer balance
XIN1 STD Transfer to RT
XIN2 STD Transfer to RT
XIN3 STD Transfer existing wage types to RT
XIN4 STD Enter payroll type when reading table T558A
XLEA STD Enter number of leave days according to leave type
XLON STD Loan accounting
XLOX STD Loan accounting: Posting to several collective accounts
XLOZ STD Loan accounting: Posting to several collective accounts
XLPC STD Personnel calculation rule for loop end condition
XMOD STD Employee grouping for payroll accounting
XPP0 STD Determine partial period factors (subrule)
XPP1 STD Determine partial period factors (subrule)
XPPD STD Prepaid Deduction Processing: Forward balance (NAMC only)
XPPF STD Determine partial period factors
XPPP STD Determine partial period factors (subrule)
XRRP STD Arrears breakdown with recovery using 'Balances and Totals'
XRRS STD Arrears breakdown using recovery / balance using 'Balance and Total
XSPD STD Final processing (automatic special payments)
XVAL STD Valuate payroll elements using partial period factors
XW0 STD Special valuation bases for incentive wages
XW01 STD Relevancy test for averages
XW02 STD Calculate previous month's average
XW03 STD Difference between master wage and wage group of time ticket
XW09 STD Prepare IT for AVERA
XW1 STD Individual incentive wages
XW10 STD Hourly wage
XW11 STD Determine time to be paid
XW12 STD Valuation and generation of subsequent time ticket
XW13 STD Indicate time-dependent variable elements
XW14 STD Indicate performance-dependent variable element
XW15 STD Hourly wage for group piecework
XW16 STD Raise or cap labor utilization rate
XW17 STD Raising the labor utilization rate
XW19 STD Hourly wage
XW1M STD Place modified LU rate in subsequent time ticket
XW2 STD Individual Incentive Wages
XW3 STD Test employee subgroup for Incentive Wages
XW3A STD Calculate extra piecework earnings and earnings factor
XW3C STD Piecework rate calculation
XW3I STD Import actual time from time ticket
XW4 STD Test employee for incentive wages
XW5 STD Determine time to be paid
XW6 STD Month-end processing (Incentive Wages)
XW8 STD Individual incentive wages
XW9 STD Individual incentive wages
XWC STD Calculate piecework rate
XWCO STD Transfer posting of basic elements of payslip
XWF STD Generate subsequent time ticket
XWM STD Place modified LU rate in subsequent time ticket
XWMT STD Monthly factoring of wage maintenance wage types
XWVG STD Cumulate time ticket value in cumulation wage type
XWVL STD Enter C1 split in wage type MLVL.
XWVZ STD Enter C1 split in wage type MLVZ
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