Saturday, September 18, 2010

Payroll - List of Operations in Payroll SAP HCM

OPERATIONS in payroll
9LD30    Divisor30 adjustments to wage types
AABSB  Austria: Linear calculation of general deduction amount
ABCLS   ABCLS: Read absence valuation rule or
ABEVL   ABEVL : Carry out absence valuation
ABZAV  ABZAV - Assignment of results to BZU periods
ACCMO                ACCMO - Set month end accruals switch
ADDAR ADDAR - Transfer wage type to table ARRRS
ADDCU Collect in cumulative wage types
ADDNA ADDNA: Collect number and amount in subsequent wage type
ADDNT ADDNT - Transfer wage type to table DDNTK
ADDPT  ADDPT - Park wage type in table PT
ADDRE  ADDRE - Transfer wage type to a table (retroactive accounting)
ADDWS                ADDWS - Add wage type to subsequent wage type and fill out V0 and C1
ADDWT                ADDWT - Add wage type to subsequent wage type
ADXIT    ADXIT - Place entry in table XIT
AEEVL   AEEVL:  Absence evaluation relating to absence event
AELIX     Eliminate variable split for split type
AFBTG  AFBTG - Determining tax-free amounts/lump sums
AKTUE  Define HP/LC period
ALLAB   ALLAB - Child bonus for deductible amount for sole earners
AM3      AMT operations with DIV30 corrected partial period parameters
AMT      AMT: Calculations in the current amount field
APPL      Set validity of a sub-application in variable key
AREGR  Determination of if there is a leaving in the current period
ARESX   Set original variable split for each split type
ARGNC Guaranteed net amounts - Indicates whether or not WT is Guar.Net Amnt
ARGNE Control of wage type balance for Guaranteed Net Amount
AROSO Obtain Welfare fund (OS)code from infotype 0392
ASETA   ASETA - Place in variable key during evaluations
ASETM  ASETM - Set third character of account key
ASTAV  ASTAV - Allocation of results to tax periods
ASTTG   ASTTG - Number of tax days
ASTVA  ASTVA - Calling up tax data
ASVAB  ASVAB - SI days / tax days in the monthly work schedule
ASVAV  ASVAV - Allocation results from SI periods
ASVBE   ASVBE - Entries for characteristics of contribution groups
ASVML ASVML - Calculate supplementary premium factors for employee
ASVVA  ASVVA - Call up SI fields
ATWOT ATWOT: Add wage type to table TWOT
AUAPT  HR-AU-PS:Calculate the average LSL payment for PT
AUHCK Check Higher duty period for a continuous period of specified months
AUHDC Counting Rule for Higher duty allowance
AULDT  EE choose leave loading to be taxed
AUSNM                AUSNM
AWPAV                AWPAV - Assignment of results to WPBP periods
BMODI Employee grouping (Belgium)
BMUNT                BMUNT : Split of a cash amount in coins and notes
BOE        Read data from cluster table SVEVL
BOREM Read data from cluster table SVREM
BOSER   Read data from cluster table SVSER
BRBPC   Distribute wages types for WPBP leave periods
BREAK   BREAK : Setting a Break-Point
BREGR  Termination during the current payroll period
BRGRT  Get wage types from result table of current payroll results
BRHRF   Absences calculation with night hours
BRISA    Health risk premium
BRKGN RTE x NUM calculation with division of AMT by KGENAU
BRMVE Move wage types from original table to destination table
BRPER   Hazard bonus option
BRPFE   Periods processing in payroll with leave
BRPRC   Apply percentages from table T7BRB2
BRRET   Retroactive Accounting
BRSAM Month contract wage
BRSAT   Returns IAI percentage
BRVAB  Leave wage types calculation
BSABS   BSABS : Insert of wage or salary-type Absence split
BSPLT    Split wage or salary types
BSPLU   Insert of wage or salary-type SI/TAX split
BTCHK   Check bank transfers when several payment runs are made
BTNUM                BTNUM: Query bank transfer assignment
BTREC   BTREC : Set recipient data for bank transfers
CABEH  CABEH - Payroll Unit Position Ready        (Switzerland)
CARRS   Determine if the contribution should be placed into arrears.
CBVPR  CBVPR - Calculate company pension fund contributions (CH)
CFZBE    CFZBE - Calculate family-related bonus (CH)
CHGZL   Set/change ZL fields
CHMUG               HR-CH: Maternity Insurance Canton Geneva from 01.07.2001
CHSPL   HR-CH: Set Split Indicator for Family-Related Bonuses    (Switzerland)
CHSTD   CHSTD - Gross hourly wage  - determine contributions (Switzerland)
CHSV     Calculation Social Insurance   Switzerland (new)
CKUAR  CKUAR - Reduced hours (CH)
CMJIT    CMJIT - Concurrent Employment: Summarize Amounts (CH)
CMJSP  CMJSP - Concurrent Employment: Set Split Indicator (CH)
CMPER CMPER: Compare payroll periods
CNARE  CNARE - Area code for Tax, PHF and SI
CNMOD               Set employee grouping (China only)
CNSLV   China: Sick leave deduction rate according to service year
CNSP     China: Calculate service year for severance payment
CPAGE  CPAGE : Compare employee's age with specified number
CRETI     Determine if the contri. in RETI come from the same contri. period
CSTQS   CSTQS - Calculate withholding tax               (Switzerland)
CSTSH   CSTSH - Read tax key                            (Switzerland)
CSTVP   CSTVP - Read withholding tax values (CH)
CSVSH   CSVSH - Position SI key ready                   (Switzerland)
CSVTG  CSVTG - Prepares SI days                            (Switzerland)
CUMWT               CUMWT: Use current wage type value for cumulation string
CVEPR   CVEPR - Import insurance percentages                (Switzerland)
CZIF       CZ Decision rule
DATZ     DATZ: Processing for semiretirement (D)
DAV       DAV: Assignment of gross results to SI and tax periods
DBAU    Query on construction industry data in payroll accounting
DBG       Process workers´ compensation association
DECCV  Convert amounts to standard decimals
DFLEX    DFLEX: Flexible Working Hours Construction Industry - Retrieve Data
DIVID    DIVID: Divide
DKUG    DKUG  : Process or call up for reduced hours
DKUSW                DKUSW - Query reduced hours compensation
DOABZ  DOABZ - Set/query entitlement to pay
DOLG    DOLG: Set field LGART in OT
DRSMW               Write in the internal message table
DST        DST - Operation to calculate tax (D)
DSTAV  DSTAV: Assignment of gross results to tax periods
DSTZR   DSTZR : Evaluate tax assignment number (ST split)
DSVAV  DSVAV : Divide lump sum parts of wages between SI periods
DSVDF  DSVDF : Determining of difference amount of a wage type
DSVGL  DSVGL : Transfer SI wage types from preceding month
DSVIT    DSVIT: Store the difference amonut of a wage type in IT
DSVM   DSVM  : Query/setting enhanced social insurance fields
DSVS     DSVS  : Query/setting social insurance fields
DSVTG  DSVTG : Display SI days
DSVWE DSVWE : Query change in social insurance proportion (D)
DSVWU                DSVWU : Display military service days
DSVZR   DSVZR : Evaluate SI assignment number (SI split)
DSVZV  DSVZV : Absence processing for supplementary insurance
DVB       DVB: Processing capital formation
E512C    Delimit wage types according to table T512C
ECCHK   check cash payment
EFIVA    Calculate remaining leave severance payments
EGEAT   Reading of previous fiscal years arrears / not arrears
EKLAB   Absence valuation rule for field ABZNR of absence
ELIMI     ELIMI: Eliminate period indicators
EMEFI   Calculate amount of severance payment for final payment
ERROR  ERROR: Warning in the event of incorrect entries
ESVVA  Place Social Insurance table fields in variable key
EVLCL    EVLCL: Use specification of evaluation class nn
FACWP Weighting factor for calendar day split
FCDAY   FCDAY: Calculation of days of Social Security
FIA         Assignment of gross values to split intervals
FICBT     Provide manually calculated car benefit from infotype 0442 to IT
FICPR    count employer SI amount  from T7FI1p Finland
FIDAP    Finnish determination of average periods
FIDTP    Check for date (MMDD) in period
FILLF      FILLF: Fill the following fields
FILLW    FILLW : Write to subsequent time ticket
FIQCC    Provide coefficient value for Finnish Quota Compensation Adjustment
FISCR     Generate Employer Social Cost reserves from Accruals (Finalnd)
FISSC     Fetching social security info from SI table
FITAX    Operation to assist Finnish tax calculation
FIVAC    Read offcycle and/or regular payroll results for vacation evaluation
FIVEP    Provide value for Finnish Vacation Payment Adjustment
FIVWD  Provide relation between working days in period and absence days
FMEAL  Number of meals
FSVAV  As split assignment to contribution base wage types
FTANC  HR-F : Calcul d'une durée
FUSAR  Update of garnishments (HR-FR)
GBAVE  HR-GB: Statutory Calculation of Average Weekly Earnings
GBME0 HR-GB: Check that this is the primary contract of an ME
GBMSA                GBMSA: Calculation of OSP/OMP deduction
GBPAB  Read Absence Evaluation Structure COVER for minutes per absence
GBVAB GBVAB: GB specific valuation of absences operation
GBVRT  GB specific processing of AWE operation
GBZNH Set the Time Unit field (ZEINH)
GCHLS   GB specific processing for New Starter Retro
GCY        GCY: Continue processing with personnel calculation rule
GET        Not implemented at this time
GETAL   GETAL : Set Labor Utilization Rate
GEWRT HR-GB: Elimination of WPBP split in RT
GNACT GNACT: Check whether the payroll is a split gross/net payroll
GSXP1   HR-GB: Check GBSXP Phase 1 is active
GSXP2   HR-GB: Check new "Changes Across End of Year" solution is active
GSXPD  HR-GB: Check on Implementation Date of AVERA for SxP AWE
HCHKD  Check payment date on infotype P0014 and P0015
HKMAS HKMAS - Event and reason code
HKPER   HKPER: Compare payroll periods (HongKong)
HKTFP   Total up 12-months'  NUM & AMT for the specified wage type
HR001   Coatian specific operation
HRADD Add to Croatian table
HRBEV  Test the absence (copy of ABEVL)
HRBTD  Infotype 9 - income from work abroad (detached)
HRCHA  Tax and statutory deductions
HRCHY  Statutory deductions II test
HRCHZ  Statutory deductions II
HRCN    Reads payroll constants
HRCRE   Credit calculation Croatia
HRCRF   Check resp. cut ReFundation amount by limit
HRIF       Croatian IF questions
HRINO  Extra health deduc for INO trip
HRLRS   Does the imported payroll result belong to the current layer of result
HRMSG                Messages in payroll
HRRUT  Evaluate the infotype 6 - route to work and days
HRSPL   C12Assign a split to wage type in OT header
HRSUR  Surtax percentage
IDMOD GSet Indonesia specific global parameters
IDPAR   IDPAR: Read parameters of current assignment
IDPTX    Read Personal Tax Id
IMPRE   IMPRE : Import from database PCL2
IN80D    Create Section 80 Deductions
IN88R    Create Section 88 Rebate
INCDP   To compare period in DT with current For period
INCFP    Determine carry forward PTax basis
INCNX   Customer Specific Actual and Nominal allowance(s)
INDTL    Modify DT with the latest available results in the 'for year' for S89
INESR    Checks in retro for ESI Infotype creation or change
INHRB   Check Eligibility of offcycle Payment for HRA Basis
INLBM  HR-IN: Project Interest Subsidy for the Current financial year
INLKS    INLK: Split wage types according to India specific table
INNEX   Determine Tax Code of a wage type
INNRW To find out the number of rows in an int table
INPRG   HR-IN: To get Regio for Ptax
INREG   Determines region in for period (Retro)
INRGN  To find region looping RT
INSPB    Modify retro flag during correction off cycle run retro
INSPT    Operation to set indicators (ZP2 to ZPT)
INSTA    Fetch the current state for PERNR
INTDS    Determine TDS % for arrears
INTER    INTER : Calculate proportion in an interval
INTRF    To determine whether bank transfer has happened
INTXL    HR IN: Finding tax limit from T7INT9
INTXR    Determine if tax wagetypes needs to be imported from ORT?
ITBAS    ITBAS: HR IT: Calculation of valutation bases (addition)
ITDCR    HR IT: wage type deletion from CRT
ITEST     ITEST: HR IT: test operation
ITFRV    ITFRV: HR-IT: SI paid into Treasury Fund
JITAX     JITAX: Syoyo Income Tax Calculation
JPCCF    SANTEI/GEPPEN evaluation : Clear Geppen Candidate Flag
JPCHE    SANTEI/GEPPEN evaluation : Adjust SG evaluation results b/w HI and EP
JPCN      Set country-specific split 1-3
JPPER    JPPER: Compare payroll payment date
JPT         Set the data of T511P/T511K on actual payment day to AMT/NUM/RTE.
JPTAX    JPTAX: Income Tax Calculation for Monthly Payroll
JRSVD   JRSVD Calculate service period in days
JWPBK  JWPBK: Return payment indicator
JYEAC    JYEAC: Read Y.E.A. table T5J40
KAPRT   KAPRT: Prorate according tax splits ( CA only )
KATEX   Get the exempt indicator for WC processing from table tax2
KAVAC  KAVAC : Set percentage for vacation pay accrual ( CA only )
KMODI KMODI: Set employee grouping ( CA only )
KPRCL   KPRCL : Query about specification of processing class ( CA only )
KRFRN  KRFRN - Determine if the employee is a foreigner
KRMOD                KRMOD: Set employee grouping (Korea only)
KRSNR  Seniority allowance
KSCED   Workers' Compensation Schedule indicator
KSETI     KSETI : Set short identifier   (Canada only)
KST         KST: Set String (Canada only)
KVALO  KVALO : Valuate with banked overtime wage type  ( CA only )
LARRS   To populate wage types for Arrears Basis
LCHKD   LCHKD : Malaysian operation to check the transfer date in the
LEAVE   LEAVE: Enter leave type in the variable key
LEAYR    LEAYR: Enter leave year in the variable key
LEFLG    LEFLG : Error process method for Personal rates
LLIM      LLIM  : Set the lower limit for interval calculations
LPDIF     LPDIF: Determine the difference between the for-period & In-period
LPER      LPER : Determine the payroll period within the month
LRTST    LRTST: Evaluate the status of table LRT
LSMOD LSMOD : Malaysian operation to set SOCSO category
MADWT               HR-DK: ADDWT also with wage types without amount or number
MBTSW                Set/reset BT switch
MCOMP               MCOMP - Specify processing status for shift change compensation
MDWPL                Distribute wage types to /801
MEANV                MEANV: Calculation of averages
MFMAC               MFMAC
MGRBT Store receiver information on garnishments from MGAR in BT
MLAWP                Last active WPBP split according to OT
MLRMO               HR-DK: Determine the month of last period(Endda)
MMVDD              Cumulation/reversal of the vacation basis - for deleted wage types
MMVDT               Accumulation/Cancelation of Leave Base
MODIF  MODIF: Set employee grouping
MPNBT Store receiver information on pensions from MPENS in BT
MULTI   MULTI: Multiply
MVENT Store field from curr.leave accumulation entry in MVENT in var.key
MWGTP               Replace wage type with indicator wage type, determine indicator WT
MXCJP  HR-MX: Change of Juper within period
MXELI   HR-MX: Elimination of ZL table indicators
MXHRE HR-MX: Cumulate overtime, days off and holidays worked weekly
MXPCI  HR-MX PS: Check contribution indicator
MXPDR HR-MX PS: Get Minimum Daily Rate
MXRSI   HRMS-MX: Assignment of employer registration number
MXRTE  HR-MX: Number of payroll periods in month
MXSAR HR-MX: Change ABART from '*' to Work center/ Basic pay value
MXSOL HR-MX: Correction of days in last period
MXVSS Check whether you have any Social Insurance obligations (IT0369)
N512C   N512C: Classify wage types according to table T512C
NDIFF    Determine whether difference calculation is applicable
NEXTR   NEXTR: Process a continuation rule
NLABS   Query Special Situations
NLBBZ   Query Spec. Processing for Sickn. Within the Scope of Comm. Traffic
NLCSL    Check if Employee Saving Amount Is Allowed
NLWWV               Check on Long-term Illness in Conection with Commuting
NSSPL   NSSPL: Delete wage types on the basis of WPBP assignment
NSVDV Creation of SI Split Factors and Proportional Distribution
NU3       NUM operations with DIV30 corrected partial period parameters
NUM     NUM: Calculations in the current number field
NZANN Determines the Anniversary Date
NZCMD                Check Mutiple decimal places switch
NZCUR  Populate default currency (for New Zealand)
NZFLR   Fill leave rate to leave payment wagetype - NZ
NZKEX   SSCWT Exemption Amount
NZLVC   Termination Leave Payment - NZ
NZPFR   Determine pay frequency of pay area
NZQTA  Determines Quota Type Selection Group
NZRDP  New Zealand Daily Pay Rate
NZSAL   Operation to check if Salary Sacrifice amount is correct or not
OPIND  OPIND: Evaluate operation indicator
OUTDP Read data from table DPS
OUTWP                OUTWP - Load workplace and basic pay data
OUTZL   Retrieve information from time wage types
OVTCR  Compensate overtime credit                            -> PDC
P0304    P0304: Process reduction from IT0304
PAYTP   PAYTP: Set employee subgroup grouping for pers.calc.rule
PCPAR  PCPAR: HR-PT: Read relevant configuration for CA processing
PCY        PCY: Run personnel calculation rule
PEVLA   PEVLA: HR-PT: Evaluate lunch allowance
PLABR   Absolute rounding off within current wage type
PLCI       Read
PLCUM Cumulation with on-the-fly factoring
PLCY1    Assign si split to wage type POLAND
PLCY2    Assign tax split to wage type POLAND
PLOOP  PLOOP : A command sequence is carried out n times
PLPAR   Reads the parameters related to vacation allowance processing
PLSCC    Calculate SI contribution POLAND
PLSPA   Set split WPBP
PLSR      Check if SI bases are to be valorized according to PC
PNEWP PNEWP: HR-PT: Check for new workplace
PPADJ   PPADJ: Reduce OT entries according to time units
PPENS   HR-PT: Determines if EE is in a retiring situation
PPPAR  PPPAR: Read partial period parameters
PRATE   PRATE : Factor amount
PRCE      PRCE: Generate Wage Type for the calculation of EOY payment
PRGTE   Prorata value based on changing group tax employer
PRINT    PRINT - Print out the current work table entry
PRSTC   HR-PT: Reset wage type in cumulation tables SCRT and CRT
PRTST    PRTST: Evaluate status of table ORT.
PSPCG  PSPCG: Load/Change PSP characteristics
PSPLT    HR-PT: Manage payroll splits
PSPRN  Off-cycle payroll run
PSVA     Sets values in fields of cluster table VA (from values in wts)
PT334    Reading nightwork and adaptability regime fields from IT0334
PTPAR   HR-PT: Read partial parameters
PUPLE   Update winter holidays leave entitlement in inf. 0005
QCASU Special Processing for Casual Employee
QCHYR  Check if the payment is within a year of the payment
QCNTI   Ignoring the cents from the amount provided
QCURR Ppopulate default currency
QCURX Default currency to the currency of /401 wagetype
QLVLT   Calculate leave loading when absence is taken
QLVTH  AU Leave loading threshold comparison
QNGRF Tax refund to be created for the negative payments across fin yr.
QPNCT  Copy wage types from TCRT to NRCT
QPYSU  Determine Lump Sum Payments for payment summary reporting
QRDT2  To Check if the wagetype in DT is within or across fin. year.
QRMGC                Maintain Same remaining reimbursement for all pernrs of CE Person
QRNDW               Round the current OT value to the decimals of the w/t passed to this.
QSFLD   Set or Clear Number or Rate field
QSUPN Operation for checking the Super  Functionality
QTOTC  Cumulate total overpayment reimbursement paid out for CE employee
QTVAR  Determine taxable allowance amount for Income Tax Variations
R51P1    R51P1: Read in table T51P1
R51P6    R51P6: Read in table T51P6
RAWSU                HR-SG: AWS Union Subscription
RDTAB  Payroll table reader
RDTP     Payroll table reader post-processing
RE510    RE510: Read pay scale table
RESET    RESET: Set original time period indicator
RETRO   RETRO : Retroactive accounting or recalculation
RGPSP  Find the relevant WPBP split for GPML
RJCT       RJCT: Rejection of employee
RMOD   Set modifier to determine setoff of OW and AW.
RNDC    Conditional Rounding - Time-Dependent Rounding of an Amount
ROADD Add to RO specific tables with wage types
ROADI   GADIVI using general Romanian calendar excl.public holidays
ROBEV  Test the absence (copy of ABEVL)
ROEDE  Final Processing of external deduction - takeover
ROEDG Calculate tax free amounts from external deductions
ROIF      Romania specific conditions
ROMSG                Messages Romania
ROPUH Public holidays in non-working days for whole month (inac.per included
RORT     Restore ORT table of cluster for post-settlement
ROSIC    Sick Leave Calculation
ROSPL   Assign a split to wage type in OT header
ROUND                ROUND - Rounding off within current wage type
ROVAL  Valuation bases Romania
ROVP    ROVP  - Extracting the amount for oversea posting
RPPCB   Elig.& generation for pre-prorated calc. base for retirement plan
RSFWL  Read FWL splits
RSISG    RSISG - Allocation of results to CPF periods
RSSPF    RSSPF - Assign the split to a wage type and proration a amount
RT3         RTE operations with DIV30 corrected partial period parameters
RTE         RTE: Calculations in the current rate field
RU506   Loan conditions (T506D) - Russia
RUABL  Absence periods and read t554c.
RUADD Add to tables (russian's extension to ADDWT)
RUBTG  Preparation for BTREC operation in garnishment documents Russia
RUCVR  Loan - Currency Conversion - Russia
RUDUA Calculation of quantity of the fulfilled calendar days
RUDUE Union membership subscription (Singapore specific)
RUOC1  Form entry in C1 for cumul WT from Old payroll results (OWPBP & OC1).
RUPRE  RUPRE : Import from database PCL2
RUSPL   Split processing Russia
RVOL     RVOL  - Distributing a amount over the tax periods
SABZ2   Absence type for zl
SABZL    Check validity of zl according to ab valuation rule
SCOND SCOND : Set validity of condition
SEMMP                Multiply Metall percentage
SETET    SETET - Set evaluation type
SETIN    Set split identifier
SGADF  PY-SG-PS: Prorating amount of wage type for ADDF
SHOLD  Delete holiday pay from ZL?
SIADD   Add from OBT to SIBT table - for credit takeover
SIARS    Average of republic Slovenia
SIBEV    SIBEV : Carry out absence valuation (copy of ABEVL)
SICRE     Credit evaluation
SIILC      Illness Compensation Slovenia
SIMSG  Messages Slovenia
SISLF      Self contribution
SIST        Operation tax data SI
SIVAL    Reads percentage of the specified base
SIVHI     Voluntary health insurance
SPDFT   Set period in header entry of Table DFT (B/N)
SPLIT     SPLIT : Split indicator query
SSICK     Sickness highly paid salaried employee
SST         Set tax split
SSYSA    Utilization factor for vacation - (ARB)
SSYST    Utilization factor for vacation - (TJM)
STAB      STAB - Read internal special payment tables
STAFL    STAFL: Query the STATUS field string   (BAT/BMTG)
STATU   STATU : Enter status field in variable key
SUBRC  SUBRC : Set and query a return code
SUBWT SUBWT - Subtract wage type to form subsequent wage type
SUURL  Get vacation year (VACS)
T5A2E    T5A2E - Annual tax according to employment tax - pay scale
TABLE    TABLE: Prepare access to table fields
TABLO   TABLO: Preparing access to table fields (BAT/BMTG)
TRSSI     TRSSI - Tax receipt ST split indicator
TWPEQ TWPEQ - Test that work center data is the same
TWPNP Prorate new pension contributions
UA506   Loan conditions (T506D)
UAABC Tests if absence continues from previous period
UAABI   Increments AB for current WType
UAADD Like ADDWT, move CNTR2 to ABZNR, clear CNTR2.
UAADP Adaptation of average earnings on pay change basis in cur.period (CIS)
UAAVR Adaptation of current period base for absence valuation(average) (CIS)
UAAWT                Retrieve WT using in cumulation for evaluation averages
UABRT  Returns ABART from T503
UABTG Preparation for BTREC operation in garnishment documents Russia (CIS)
UABTK  Check bank transfers(like BTCHK) but with off-cycle
UACCP  check if in-period and for-period is equal
UACVR Loan - currency convertion - Russia (CIS)
UAEXP  Expats
UAINV  Chech if person is invalid IT0004
UAITP   Income tax periods for recalculation
UAITR   Income tax recalculation reason
UAITV   Income tax privileges summa according to T7RUT1 & IT0299
UAJCB   Tests if person is job combiner
UAKLD  Calendar days in period (off-cycle - in absence period) with UA calend
UALBR  Retrieve from ORT & OAB
UAPPR  Determination specific data for CIS
UARET  Retiree employees
UARFC  UARFC (old name YRFCB) -  (CIS)
UARV0  Read V0 from OT -(CIS)
UASFR  Sick list Frozen Rate from ORT according AB & OAB
UASPL   OT-APZNR(absence) split processing  (CIS)
UASPR  Retrieves previous rate
UASPT  Split OT with AB by C2 using ZL, LE, IT0015 etc.
UAYPD  Day number definition for loan payment  (CIS)
UBTPM UBTPM : Return payment methods
UCNT1  UCNT1 - Set country split value
UINDV  Indirectly evaluate Wage Type - NPO
ULIM     ULIM  : Set upper limit for interval calculations
UMOD  UMOD: Set US modifier
UMODI UMODI: Set employee grouping ( US only )
UNHDC NPO: Counting Rule for Higher duty allowance
URGST  Prepare access to table RGST - NPO
USETI    USETI : Set short identifier (US Only)
UST        UST: Set String (US Only)
USUIT   USUIT - Load basic payroll data for SUI tax reporter
UTAXR  UTAXR - Set Resident Tax Area / Tax Authority in var. Argument
UTOTV  Overtime valuation (tip processing)
UTRAN Overtime valuation (tip processing)
UUIMA UUIMA- Define UI and Worksite information as mandatory
UWTIF  UWTIF - Get wage type information
VABWH                VABWH: Process certain absences (civil service)
VAKEY   VAKEY - Place in variable key
VALBS   VALBS - Valuation bases
VALEN  VALEN       Set length of variable key
VAOFF  VAOFF       Set offset for variable key
VARGB VARGB : Place table field in variable key
VKBAV  Query variable CPS information
VLI=       VLI=  : Set the interval shift
VPSA1   Handling V0 splits for the additional positions (NO-PS)
VPSH3   Settlement of Holiday allowance (NO-PS) due to spl. wage types.
VWTCL  VWTCL: Set processing class value
WAMW                Calculate period amounts
WC         Compares the current payroll period with a given date
WCWP  Get Current Calendar Month or Week
WF         Manipulation of the "Closed Tax Year" differences (Flux)
WGTYP WGTYP - Set wage type
WIRP3   Does Employee Have an IRP30 Certificate
WPALL  WPALL - Check/Set work center and basic pay split
WPBPC WPBPC : Distribute lump sum wage elements to WPBP time periods
WPEOY WPEOY: Decision operation to check whether the period of WPBP split
WPR      Determine number of accounting periods in tax year.
WPRP    Convert or Compare Date Type (from DATES) into Payroll Period
WRFI     Add Retirement Funding Income to RFI for SARS Codes
WSTAV WSTAV - Distribute according to tax periods
WSTZR  WSTZR - Assign to appropriate tax period.
WSVAV                WSVAV - Distribute according to Social Insurance time periods.
WSVZS  Set Social insurance Splits
WTTP    Find Taxable Portin of Travel Allowance Wage Type
WWPAV               Distribute According to WPBP Splits
XMES    Output Messages in Payroll Log
XV0        Create Entries in V0 Table
ZERO=   ZERO= Initializing the current working fields

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